It’s Time to Cull the Herd, and Get Rid of the Old and Disabled

At least that appears to be the Obama Administration’s line of reasoning. It was reported today that the Obama Administration is shutting down CLASS, the Community Living Assistance Services and Supports Act, a federal program that helps seniors and the disabled who cannot afford to buy long term care insurance. (Source) The CLASS Act is designed to help provide both home and community based services to seniors and the disabled that lack the ability to function in daily life. Things such as adaptive aids and medical supplies, minor home modifications, nursing services, occupational and physical therapy, respite care and other services will no longer be available through the program. The result will be thousands of Americans who desperately need these services in order to survive will be left to fend for themselves and find other means to provide for their often life sustaining needs.

What a charming way to eliminate those who many feel are nothing but a millstone around the neck of America. By comparison, the Nazi’s were much more humane. In Nazi Germany, the elderly and disabled were shipped off to camps where they were exterminated, as opposed to being left to eke out a miserable existence all on their own until they simply die from lack of medical care or assistance. Hitler would be proud, as would Stalin.

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